The New Zealand Curriculum forms the basis of our teaching, including the study of English, health andphysical education, mathematics and statistics, social sciences, science, technology, Te Reo Maori and the arts.
Fairhall School’s curriculum plan is derived from the New Zealand Curriculum document and is the school’s interpretation of this statement. The plan allows teachers to make interpretations in recognition of their student’s interests and needs.
Within the curriculum plan are eleven processes that are implemented across the school:
School vision and values | Fairhall PRIDE | Fairhall school principles | Quality school education | Shared learning experiences | Thinking strategies | Inquiry teaching | e-learning | Education outside the classroom programmes | Environmental studies | Bicultural commitment | Global citizenship
While encouraging students to strive for academic excellence we also:
– Offer an extensive calendar of education outside the classroom activities
– Run an award-winning edible garden and environmental education programme
– Are strongly represented in Marlborough’s rural schools cluster
– Field a range of teams in local sports competitions
– Participate in the Marlborough Science Fair
– Cover Health Education and Keeping Ourselves Safe
– Offer Cultural Education (Including Music, Arts, and Oral Language)
Our Year 7 & 8 students take part in the specialist technology programme, which takes place regularly at the Marlborough Technology Centre in McLauchlan Street. Parents/whānau are required to pay an annual fee for each student to attend the Technology Centre.
At Fairhall School we follow the NZ Curriculum Levels to assist the teaching and learning of our students. Parents/whānau will be informed of how well their child is learning at their expected learning level.
Stationery lists will be provided on enrolment for new entrant children. At the start of the year, a stationery pack is available for purchase from Paper Plus in Blenheim. Please ensure students are ready on Day One with all the relevant requirements. Teachers may request additional items throughout the year, as needed for your child.
An opportunity is provided to meet formally & informally with the class teacher at the beginning of Term 1. The Setting Up for Success meetings are a time to talk one-on-one with your child’s teacher at the start of the term.
Parent/Whānau & Teacher interviews take place towards the end of Term 1 and early in Term 3, which parents will be able to book via the School App – Hero.
Parent/Whānau & Teacher interviews will be the format for the end of Term 1 and meetings and 3-Way Conferences (for Year 1 – 3 students) and Student-Led Conferences (for Year 4 – 8 students) will be the format for Term 3.
The school will report to parents twice yearly on each student’s attainment and progress with a specific focus on the NZ Curriculum Learning Levels for Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
For all students, reports are shared at the end of Term 2 & Term 4.
For students new to the school who arrive within 10 weeks of our reporting cycle this will look different. Check with your classroom teacher for details.
You may at any time request an interview outside our normal reporting schedule. If so please contact the class teacher via the school office to arrange a time.
Fairhall Vision & Values
Our vision:
Whāia te iti kahurangi
Our Values:
Fairhall PRIDE
Perseverance | Manawanui
Respect | Whakaute
Integrity | Ngākau pono
Diversity | Kanorau
Empathy | Atawhai
Read Fairhall’s latest ERO Report.