8.30 am – 9:55 am: Learning Block 1
9.55 am – 10:15 am: Morning Interval
10:15 am – 12:15 pm: Learning Block 2 (includes brain break)
12:15 pm – 1:10 pm: Lunch
1.10 pm – 2:30 pm: Learning Block 3
The school is officially open from 8.00 am to 2.45 pm. Generally, only bus children would be on site outside these times. The school grounds should be cleared by 2.45 pm unless a sports practice is in progress, or prior arrangements have been made.
Office hours are between 8.00 am and 3.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays during the school terms.
KidZone / Quality Work Award Hui
KidZone Hui is led by different classes each Friday from 8:40 am. It is here that achievements are recognised and learning shared. Parents/whānau are welcome to join us at our Kidzone Hui.
At the conclusion of each term, we hold a Quality Work Award Hui, where children from each class are recognised in the areas of Literacy, Mathematics and the School PRIDE focus goals for the term. Again parents/whānau are welcome to join us for this.
Staff will let families know if their child is receiving an award.
School Uniform
In 2025 we introduced a new school uniform. From 2026 this will be compulsory for all students except the Year 8’s.
The uniform consists of:
- A polo tee ($49 inc delivery)
- A hoodie ($69 inc delivery)
- Colour team t-shirts ($20 inc delivery)
Orders can be made online at:
Fairhall School Online Store | OS2 Performance
There are sample sizes available in the school office for you to try before ordering.
Uniforms are worn with any dark blue or black bottoms and with your own choice of footwear.
In addition, we have the following guidelines:
- Footwear must be suitable for the occasion. Bus students are required to wear footwear before going on the school bus. Children attending technology must wear closed-in footwear.
- Jewellery is not to be worn to school. Earrings (studs only) – These are limited to one earring per pierced ear lobe.
- Makeup is not to be worn to school. This includes nail polish.
- Long hair should be tied back.
- Hats must be worn at school during breaks and sports/PE times during Term 1 and Term 4. Full-brimmed (bucket) hats are required. No caps are allowed.
Students are required to attend school on all days that the school is open. It is very important that students arrive on time for school with enough time to prepare for the day. In the event of your child not coming to school for any reason please ring the school and let us know before 8.30 am. For student safety, we take a check every morning and we will ring you if your child is absent without prior notification.
Should your child be required to leave the school during the day, please sign your child in and out at the office.
Bought Lunches
Bought lunches, which are provided by Subway on Fridays, at a cost of around approx. $7.00. Orders should be placed directly online through the Subway Website before 9.00 am on Friday
The Ministry of Education provides bus transport for eligible children. You will be notified on enrolment if this is the case for your child, and the bus times shared.
The bus service is free for ‘eligible’ students. ‘Ineligible’ students may purchase a ticket from the school office at $5 for 10 trips. Eligibility information is available on request from the office.
BYOD-Bring Your Own Devices
Parents/whānau may choose to allow their children to bring their own technology devices to school to use in class. The school will allow iPads, Chromebooks and other similar notebook devices (other than iPhones or smartphones) to be used as a learning tool. Parents/whānau need to sign for the use of a device using our school’s BYOD – Student User Agreement Form. We will accept this for the Gold Team (available on request).
Children are encouraged to borrow books for personal reading and research. Your help in ensuring that the books are carefully treated at home and returned promptly when due, will help us maintain this excellent school resource. Reimbursement will be required for lost books.
Lost Property
Children’s clothing must be named. Children and parents/whānau are encouraged to check through the lost property box for any lost items. At the end of each term, clothing left in this box is donated.
School Photos
A photographer takes class groups and individual photos once per year. Family photos are also taken if requested.
Our main form of communication is the school app that can be found via app stores – Hero (Linc-ed) and the fortnightly school newsletter (odd weeks of term time). Classrooms also send home a class update fortnightly opposite the school newsletter (even weeks of term time). This is shared via our School Management System Hero This is the main form of communication between the school and home.
Scholastic Book Club
Online Book Club purchases are available approximately once a term. This is a source of good recreational books at reasonable prices. Joy is our coordinator for this (joy@fairhall.school.nz)